Help Center - Manduka Mat Care Overview | Manduka EU

Manduka-Europe-Mat-Care Overview FAQ Help Center


How often should I clean my mat?

Every time you use your mat, your body is releasing skin and sweat onto the surface. Over time, those materials invite bacteria to grow (which is what causes odour). We recommend using Manduka’s Mat Wash and Refresh after every practice to help reduce stains and odour buildup. At least once a week you should follow the instructions to refresh your mat, using more of the solution and scrubbing common touch point areas. Generally speaking, you only want to thoroughly clean your yoga mat when you feel it has been exposed to germs. If you are practicing at home and no one in your home is sick, you really don’t need to thoroughly clean your mat very often.

If you practice at a studio, you should thoroughly clean your mat (both front and back) after your class. We recommend you only use Manduka’s Botanical Cleaner to thoroughly clean your mat.

For further guidance, check out our Mat Care Guide.

Can I clean my yoga mat with disinfectant wipes?

Using these products on your yoga mat probably isn’t the best solution. To begin, in order for a disinfectant to be effective, the entire surface needs to be visibly wet for a certain period of time (usually 4 to 5 minutes). This may be difficult to achieve with a small wipe of a large surface like your yoga mat. Second, the active ingredients in these disinfectants (that’s what actually kills the viruses) can have a negative impact on the life of your yoga mat. Finally, if you do use these products on your mat, after waiting the appropriate time, you absolutely must rinse your mat off and wipe it clean to remove as much of the product as possible. Many people experience mild to severe allergic reactions after prolonged skin contact with these chemical disinfectants. That’s why Manduka’s Botanical Cleaner is specially formulated to not require rinsing after use and is proven to be non-irritating.

For further guidance, check out our Mat Care Guide.

Can I clean my mat with any chemicals?

We do NOT recommend using harsh chemicals such as bleach on mats. Only when necessary, we would recommend a minimum use of natural botanical disinfectants, following all the directions for use, and making sure to thoroughly rinse the mat afterwards. Steer clear of solvent based products or harsh chemicals as these will degrade the mat.

For further guidance, check out our Mat Care Guide.

Can I wash my mat in the washing machine?

No - The most effective clean you can give your mat is by hand with a soft cloth with the appropriate cleaning solution. A washing machine will damage your mat and cause rapid aging or even ruin it immediately. For a daily refresh use Manduka's Mat Wash & Refresh.

For further guidance, check out our Mat Care Guide.

Manduka Care Solutions

Deodorize, condition, or deep clean your yoga mats with ease. Looking after your yoga mat correctly is a critical part to maintaining the performance, lifespan and hygiene of your mat. Manduka has the proper mat care solution to help ensure your mat’s longevity. Whether you require a gentle clean and fragrance boost to a restorative conditioning, or a more thorough and deeper treatment, Manduka has you covered with following applications:

  • Refresh– A simple daily wash keeps all yoga mats smelling fresh and clean for longer. Safe for all mat materials.
  • Restore– Conditions, restores and extends the life of your yoga mat. Only for use on eKO® Series (natural rubber) once a month. Mat restore should not be used as a daily cleaner.
  • Thoroughly Deep Clean with the Botanical Cleaner- All-Natural mat for deeper cleaning. Safe for all mat types except GRP® Series, which is a open-cell (porous) surface. Use cleaner as directed on closed-cell (non-porous) surfaces.

For further guidance, check out our Mat Care Guide.


Understanding your mat before you refresh, restore and thoroughly clean.

Understanding the different materials used in our Manduka mats is important, as there are different methods needed to deep clean them.

PRO Series – PRO, PROlite, PRO TRavel– These mats are made using a closed-cell material, meaning nothing can be absorbed into the mat, and the mat can be cleaned thoroughly on the surface every time.

eKO® Series – eKO, eKO Lite, eKO Superlite – These mats are made of a natural rubber, also a closed-cell material. These mats can also be easily cleaned, but need to be dried properly.

GRP® Series – GRP, GRP Lite, Adapt – These mats are made from an open-cell PU and rubber construction. Their goal is to absorb moisture and provide maximum grip as they get wet, so thoroughly cleaning these mats requires the most attention and care because this material is very absorbent.

Foundation Series – Manduka X, Begin Mats – These mats are made using a TPE closed-cell material, meaning nothing can be absorbed into the mat, and the mat can be cleaned thoroughly on the surface every time.

For further guidance, check out our Mat Care Guide.

Mat Care Guide

Now more than ever, Mat Care is on our mind... but how do you know which product is the best for your mat? We've made it easy! Check out our Mat Care Guide.

Won't essential oils make my mat slippery?

Most yoga mats are closed-cell construction, meaning they don’t absorb any liquid. Therefore, when you apply any liquids to the surface, they stay there until removed. If you were to apply essential oil directly to your mat, it would become quite slippery. By thoroughly mixing our solution, Manduka’s Mat Wash and Refresh delivers a light even layer of essential oil and water all over the mat. While some essential oils can build up over time, our floral based cosmetic grade all-natural essential oils are less likely to build up and negatively affect performance of your mat.

What makes Manduka Mat Care solutions better than homemade solutions?

To put it simply: ingredients and preparation. It’s true, our product, just like homemade solutions, is built on water and essential oil. But, as we all know, water and oil don’t mix – at least not without a lot of help. That’s why we add a bio-based fragrance solubilizer that not only helps our cosmetic level organic essential oil spread evenly through our purified water, but also ensures it stays there (versus separating and floating to the top). Then we thoroughly mix our three simple ingredients in an industrial mixer at 1700 rpm (a home stand mixer tops out at about 280 rpm). That ensures every spray from our bottle delivers the right balance of water and essential oil to your mat.

And what about Manduka’s Botanical Cleaner compared to household cleaners? This is an all-natural plant-based solution that deep cleans in one step. Other household cleansers are not plant-based, meaning they made of solvents or harsh chemicals that will degrade mats. Manduka’s Botanical Cleaner is specially formulated with Thymol and no harsh chemicals to not require rinsing after use and is proven to be non-irritating.